সোমবার, ০৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ২০ মাঘ ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ


  • Special Correspondent, Dhaka
  • Update Time : ০৭:২৮:১৬ অপরাহ্ন, বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩ নভেম্বর ২০২২
  • ১৯৪ Time View

Halloween, a British culture, is influencing the youths, which is becoming more and more popular among the youths, including Bangladesh also which is alarming for our culture. As for a country, the youths are the conveyer of our next generation. It is really essential to hold and practice own tradition and culture otherwise the country or nation might lose their roots.

On October 31, people all across the world celebrate Halloween. Most people are ignorant of the day’s real beginnings because it has become commercialised. The custom has its roots in the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain, when people would dress up and build bonfires to fend off ghosts. Most of Halloween’s history and roots may be traced back to paganism. Pagans are those who follow non-Abrahamic religions. “The name ‘pagan’ was originally used by the Urban Romans to designate to people who favoured the faith of their local ruling body, afterwards applied to people who worshipped local deities or persons who embraced polytheism. Paganism, often known as Neopaganism (modern paganism), encourages respect for the pre-Christian gods of the earth and/or other celestial bodies. In their calendar, Samhain, also known as Halloween, is a very significant Holy holiday. Where the reality of Halloween includes the acceptance of satanic worship, the existence of witches, and other wicked spirits. While Halloween is celebrated under the guise of having “fun,” “believing in” supernatural beings for “fun” is utterly wrong and deadly.

Even though Bangladesh is a democratic country but majority of the people believe in their own religions. A society with social responsibilities is way more liveable than an undisciplined one. The people who are organising these events and parties mostly targeting youths which is more dangerous to our nation. To save our culture and society we must follow some rules. Everyone should question to themselves if just for ‘fun’ is actually ethical or not.

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Md Zannatul Ferdoush Jewel

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Update Time : ০৭:২৮:১৬ অপরাহ্ন, বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩ নভেম্বর ২০২২

Halloween, a British culture, is influencing the youths, which is becoming more and more popular among the youths, including Bangladesh also which is alarming for our culture. As for a country, the youths are the conveyer of our next generation. It is really essential to hold and practice own tradition and culture otherwise the country or nation might lose their roots.

On October 31, people all across the world celebrate Halloween. Most people are ignorant of the day’s real beginnings because it has become commercialised. The custom has its roots in the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain, when people would dress up and build bonfires to fend off ghosts. Most of Halloween’s history and roots may be traced back to paganism. Pagans are those who follow non-Abrahamic religions. “The name ‘pagan’ was originally used by the Urban Romans to designate to people who favoured the faith of their local ruling body, afterwards applied to people who worshipped local deities or persons who embraced polytheism. Paganism, often known as Neopaganism (modern paganism), encourages respect for the pre-Christian gods of the earth and/or other celestial bodies. In their calendar, Samhain, also known as Halloween, is a very significant Holy holiday. Where the reality of Halloween includes the acceptance of satanic worship, the existence of witches, and other wicked spirits. While Halloween is celebrated under the guise of having “fun,” “believing in” supernatural beings for “fun” is utterly wrong and deadly.

Even though Bangladesh is a democratic country but majority of the people believe in their own religions. A society with social responsibilities is way more liveable than an undisciplined one. The people who are organising these events and parties mostly targeting youths which is more dangerous to our nation. To save our culture and society we must follow some rules. Everyone should question to themselves if just for ‘fun’ is actually ethical or not.